New Zealand Approvals and Registrations
Food Processing: Meat, Fish, Game, Beverage, Fruit and Vegetables
The importance of meeting the requirements of Regulatory bodies, Authorities, and Overseas Standards organisations is of growing importance as the awareness of the detrimental effects of some chemicals increases. GeoSIL PACIFIC LIMITED has set a policy of meeting all of the appropriate requirements where GeoSIL® is to be used in various critical applications. During its long period of use overseas, GeoSIL® has amassed an impressive list of approvals in a number of countries, and they have been added to with the acquiring of the additional New Zealand and Australian approvals.
GeoSIL® has been assessed by ERMA New Zealand as a legally existing hazardous substance (Under the approval code of group standard HSR002631) Its use in food and water treatment is governed by various approvals, registrations, and compliance standards applicable to New Zealand and its trading partners.
The approvals, registrations and compliance standards currently applicable to GeoSIL® are:
Food Contact Surfaces, Post Harvest & Water Treatment
1. GeoSIL® is NZFSA approved category C41 sanitiser in the fish, game and meat industries. (All animal products except dairy)
2. GeoSIL® DS is NZFSA approved for use as a category C43 sanitiser (All animal products except dairy) in the fish, game and meat industry, & as a no rinse sanitiser in premises processing fish.
3. GeoSIL® is a NZFSA approved category C61 water treatment chemical (All animal products except dairy)
4. GeoSIL® is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 ( Reg. No. P7819) as an agricultural compound for the post harvest control of human & plant pathogens.
5. GeoSIL® , GeoSIL150, & GeoSIL® DS are AsureQuality approved for food / beverage / dairy factories, food contact surface sanitiser. Process water, anti-microbial wash for fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, herbs & spices, (Ref HI475)
6. AsureQuality Organic Standards approved input cleaner (Ref. OCN 0035)
7. Approved under HSNO Group Standards 2006 [HRS002631] [HRS002530] & [HRS002684]
8. Approved by the Department of Environment, food and rural affairs (DEFRA ex MAFF) as general purpose detergent for UK agriculture.
Food Processing Aids and Food Additives
- Approved by NZFSA (Food additives, schedule 1 and 2) as a permitted processing aid or food additive.
- 2. Approved as a food contact substance (FCN Nos. 295 and 296 ) in the USA under section 409(h)(C) of the Federal Food and Cosmetic Act.
Water Treatment
1. Approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia for the treatment of drinking water.
2. GeoSIL150 is now “approved under regulation 31 of the Water Supply (water quality) Regulations 2000 & 2001” for use as an emergency disinfectant in England & Wales.
3. The components in GeoSIL® are recognised as disinfection chemical for use in swimming pools (NZS 5826:2000 Pool Water Quality)
4. Silver registered by the USEPA (reg. No. 68161-1-46043, 68161-1-42177) for use as an algaecide for swimming pools in the USA.
The use of GeoSIL products under these approvals, registrations and compliance standards must meet specified conditions
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